K S Kumar's World of HR


Inducting new recruits, helping employees adapt to change, enhancing technical & personal skills, nurturing leaders and team players , developing appropriate culture ..... training is on eof the key processes to achieve these goals. Visit these sites to enhance your training skills and knowledge .

 International Training Sites

| Training Supersite | Training Net | ASTD's Training & Performance Links | Masies' Training Links |

 | Outbound Train | Formavision | Training Registery | Marcia Connor's TRDEV FAQ | Training Magazine |

 | CRG Consultants | Butler Learning | Edward De Bono's Page |


Indian Training Sites 

| XLRI Jamshedpur | Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad | Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore |

| Academy of Human Resources Development |


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Ó K S Kumar 1998